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I'm not really sure that anybody will read this but today i felt the need to write about our journey so far & let people know that whatever life throws at you there's always hope & a light to aim for at the end of what may be a very long tunnel

Our journey began 8 years ago when dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer & how kind of them it was to let him know on his birthday,some present that was,fast forward 6 months & we had the wonderful news treatment was successful & returned to our normal life & planned to live happily ever after but as we all know life has a nasty habit of throwing a spanner in the works & in 2011 it threw us extension to the journey with cancer when i was diagnosed with breast cancer,once again our world came tumbling down round our ears & we were on the merry-go-round of tests,operations,treatment,tears & tantrums again,a strong family thrown into more turmoil & getting stronger by the day.Treatment finished i went back to work & life went back to normal but by now we're living a new normal as anybody reading this will know.2012 brings along another slap in the face with a bowel cancer diagnosis for dad,another round of surgery & here we go with another new normal & yet more hospital appointments.2013 & it's more surgery for dad to repair a hernia & while they were doing routine tests he was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma which is quietly sitting there doing nothing so no treatment needed (yaay,one less thing to worry about) Fast forward to 2015 & a routine blood test picked up a liver problem for dad & yes he was diagnosed with cancer again,now if that had been me i would have been heartily fed up by now & when they told him it is also in his spleen i decided that now was a pretty good time to throw a major hissy fit but not dad,my brave,wonderful dad,my hero & my inspiration to do fundraising sat there & said "ok,what happens now,whatever you offer i will have" & our journey with chemotherapy began

This may sound that our life is all doom & gloom but believe me it isn't,through all the bad times we've still had lots of good times,& lots of laughter,we take each day as it comes,some are bad (like yesterday when a change of clothes was needed) but most of them are good,Dad's a tough old bugger & he's not ready to go yet & while he's happy to carry on with treatment we're happy to help him through it

To everybody out there take it one day at a time & when the going gets tough look as far as you can to find the light & keep going towards it 

  • FormerMember

    Hi to you, I read your blog! You've certainly had a tumultuous few years and rightly need to vent when it helps. Your dad seems to be a very strong person and that helps, your diagnosis must have been a real shock let alone your dads further diagnoses. You sound a close and strong family which is fantastic. Keep blogging as I believe it helps to get things down and out and you never know who will read. sending positive thoughts to you and your dad and virtual hugs too. Take care, Clare

  • FormerMember

    Hello .

    I have also read your blog post and you certainly have had it tough, your whole family has.

    You're right though, family are key in keeping it all together and it sounds like you dad is still doing that for you all. It's great to hear you are still having fun and laughter, it sure does make the tough days a little bit earlier.

    i would encourage you to keep writing, it's a massive help to get some of those feelings down and you'll feel such a relief afterwords!

    Take care and love to your dad

    Jena xxx