Palliative Radiotherapy

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Dad completed palliative radiotherapy 2 weeks ago - 6 sessions over 2 weeks for an inoperable/incurable brain tumour. Since then he has spent every day in bed with extreme fatigue. Oncologist nurse unable to confirm if the cause of the fatigue is the tumour or the radiotherapy for another 2 weeks. Is anyone else able to share similar experiences. Dad is 68 and was diagnosed in Jan'16. His prognosis is 3-6 months.

  • FormerMember

    Afternoon JSwan,

    Sorry to read this about your dad needing palliative Radiotherapy. Is this a primary tumour or a secondary from another area ? As there is a Brain Tumour Group (link) you could join for advice and questions answered about brain radiotherapy.

    There is also a Supporting Someone With Incurable Cancer Group both of which are fairly active groups.

    Radiotherapy is very tiring, not only the treatment itself but the daily traveling also takes it toll when you are poorly.

    When you join either / both of those groups just select New Discussion copy in your above text as an introduction and ask whatever questions you may have, you should soon get some replies although being a holiday it is fairly quiet here today.

    Are you managing to get fluids and nourishment into him OK ?

    Take care, hope your dad perks up after a few more days rest. G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Hi jswan,

    I hope you are well, I am in a similar position with my dad. Inoperable brain tumor and we are going to start radiotherapy soon in a hope it help shrink the tumor I think. 

    He got Diagnosed 2 weeks ago and we have no idea about how long we have or if this will help or work.

    I just wanted to let you know I am here for you if you need to talk.

