beautiful people

1 minute read time.

I have met some really beautiful people, shame I didn't met them before I had cancer.

I don't want to be defined as Karen the one with breast cancer, I want to be Karen.

people have commented that I'm brave, I'm not brave, I had no choice. The op, the adjacent therapy, has been determined because their was no other choice. I have had a couple of dark days they don't see, especially when I faced my mastectomy.

But I'm still a mother, friend and daughter and i want people to define me as Karen my good friend.

I am lucky as I now know very beautiful people who I never appreciated before this. My friend Najma who texts me every night, just to gossip. My friend Gordon who has heard my fears but still listens.

I don't want to be classed under cancer. I have my wonderful children who still need a mum so I have carried on and hopefully they see this as a thing that can happen, but mum will still be mum.

i want the parents at work, still see  as the lady who will help them if they need help and look after their kids.

I'm not brave, there are far braver people who deserve that title, I'm just Karen, who yes, will fight cancer and do what's necessary.

I hope I haven't offended anyone, as some are facing a tough time, far tougher than I could imagine, they're the brave ones.
