The Wind in the Bowels

1 minute read time.

What a complete pain! I hear you can get stoma bags with valves on them to help relieve gas build up (and I find the usual filters in normal bags somewhat pointless/non-functional). But I've yet to get my hands on any, and, as such am in the situation where I can be going to the toilet literally every 10 minutes or so to empty sometimes hardly any poo, but a bagful of wind!

My gut is being very loud and gurgly. Output is sometimes thick, but tends to get very fluidy when I've drunk a lot, and in the evenings when my output increases significantly and I am back and forth to the toilet a lot more often than in the daytime. However, my consultant recently prescribed me a course of the antibiotic Metronidazole (400mg tablets) - attempting to kill off gas-producing gut bacteria she thought might be the cause of the problem. This worked very quickly indeed, within a day of starting use I would say, and while using I had no further problems whatsoever with gas or wind. Unfortunately, after finishing the course it took only a day or two for the problem to return as it was before. But I can only thoroughly recommend trying this product if anyone has a similar problem and not been able to adequately deal with by more usual means....... 

  • FormerMember

    Everycloud, after reading your post I did a quick bit of googling (as you do!) and found people referring to EZVents. This is the link to the worldwide dealers including UK dealers

    I think they are available on prescription. Can't give you any more details as I have no first hand knowledge of them but they may help you.take care


  • FormerMember

    Many thanks Clare!

    I just checked out the website (just had long absence from the Macmillan website) after reading your recommendation - looks good, like a workable, easy solution to the problem. I'm not sure I've even asked my stoma nurse about this matter yet - I wonder if they are aware of this product. Anyway, have ordered a sample, so hopefully will be able to recommend in the near future........
