How much is a persons life worth ?

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After going through 3 courses of chemotherapy treatments for mesothelioma  I have been told that because of reducing effect of chemo on disease & possibility of kidney damage nothing more can be done.   I now discover that if I happen to have approx. £100.000  spare I may have the chance of another year by having treatment available privately but not on NHS. Having not been able too claim any compensation this is not possible .At present this treatment is not available on NHS due to costs , so  it makes me wonder how  much ,according to the government, is a persons life worth ? Especially when trying to claim compensation is so difficult ,considering there is only one cause of disease ,through no fault of my own---asbestos.

  • Sorry to hear you have this disease.

    Have you not claimed from one of the government schemes???

    Depends whether you worked with asbestos or were exposed in some other way. I was exposed to my father's work clothes and his now defunct employer didn't have public liability. I claimed from the govrnment, it was nowhere near as much as i had been against the employer but it does help.