As one journey ends..

1 minute read time.

Since receiving the scan results, met with the specialist and the official you're in remission, it's all feeling real. I have completed cycle 5 and am on day5 of the final cycle. The final chemo session is on Wednesday, although another blood transfusion is needed and they are aiming to do it all on same day. Which will be hard as the chemo drugs normally throw me. Please may the rest of blood count be upto it.

Not seeing the specialist again for 2 months..., I went through some of the various side effects causing me concern. Some of my finger nails are just about falling off now, they had been discoloured for a while. To which, lets complete the chemo and over time as your body begins recovery we will see what actual side effects need reviewing.

It was then that begin to understand the size of my next journey "the recovery". Apparently he was surprised that I was still working, (although from home) and advised that everything should be kept minimal for 2-3 months and that my body will most likely only reach 90% after 6 months. Up until now, keeping everything to a minimum has been OK as my number one goal has been treatment and considering the time spent receiving treatment or coping with the side effects this has felt almost full time. So without this, how do I stay occupied?

I have been reading other people's comments on the "life after cancer", and it is a whole new challenge. As before each person's experience is their own but it useful to add some perspective. Got about 2 minutes from the specialist "park this experience, leave it in 2015". A little talk on relapse, odds are in my favour.

All I can do is start setting my goals, in the short term need to add some socialising back into my life, easy to do it is Christmas. Just so aware that having come this far that I do not want to any setbacks.

Merry Christmas Everyone, my thoughts will be with you all
