Found out last week...

Less than one minute read time.

I was called back for a second breast screening, didn't think for one minute that it could be serious.....but it was.  And so my cancer journey begins.  

When the results came back it was confirmed - I went into shock, suddenly my mouth went completely dry and my cheeks flushed - I felt red hot.  So, this is what going into shock is like.

Next..... appointments made for further test, so much to ask.  The only thing I knew about breast cancer is that it killed my Aunt.

Keeping a positive attitude for the sake of my daughter.  But really I feel like getting drunk and crying my eyes out.  So for that, I thank you Lulu for keeping me together, for now at least.

  • FormerMember

    Evening Laura-Maria,

    Sorry to read you have had this bombshell dropped on you. It's early days and it is totally normal to be for want of a better phrase 'bricking it'.

    You are not your aunt and treatment for breast cancer has come a very long way - even over the last couple of years and currently has a 90% recovery rate, so do please hold onto that.

    You should come and join us all in the very active Breast Group here (link) There are plenty of us who have had all the treatments and come out the other side and now have no evidence of disease.

    Once you join just create a New Discussion and copy in your above text as an introduction and ask how ever many questions you have, we're all here to help.

    Just don't try to take in too much too soon, concentrating on one step at a time is a great way to go.

    Look forward to seeing you in the breast group - Joining will be the best move you can make at the moment, they are a lovely bunch of ladies and will soon help put your mind at ease after the last few weeks of worry and waiting time you have been though.

    Take care, you can do this, G n' J