Friends on the journey

2 minute read time.

I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer - large lump both types mixed - in December this year. I was taken into hospital after a CTscan which showed a 6 cm tumour in my lung and a cluster of cancer cells on a vertebrae in my spine. I had a collapsed lung. I was in hospital for two and half weeks and started chemotherapy at the end of January. My oncologist told me I had a life expectancy of 6 months without the chemo and a year with the chemo. I am 66 years old and was previously fit and lively and considered myself healthy. I gave up smoking 25 years ago but sadly I did smoke 2 packs a day at times.What a fool!!!

I have been put on a course of palliative chemo of cisplatin and gencitabine. I am on a 3 week cycle with the cisplatin and gencitabine together the first week of the cycle and the gencitabine on its own the 2nd week of the cycle. I have the 3rd week off. 

I have had a very good response to the chemo. My collapsed lung which was a complete nightmare started to open the second week of chemo (the tumour had covered the bronchial tubes), the congestion stopped the first week and I have gradually been improving a lot. I am not nearly as tired, my shortness of breath is much better, I haven't needed oxygen etc. My lung has been fully open for about a month now. My appetite has improved a lot so at the moment I am loving the fact that I am feeling relatively normal for the first time since November. I do restorative yoga poses for an hour every day and have started to take small walks hoping to build up my resources so I can start walking my dog again. I have had fantastic support from friends and neighbours so I really count my blessings. I am on a 6 or 8 cycle series and will have another CTscan two cycles before completion. I have asked to have a second opinion from the Marsden which can be done at the end of the chemo cycles and I am willing to take part in an appropriate drug trail. 

What I wonder will be the next stage. I am feeling so much better that the idea of going downhill again really depresses me. I am a fighter and am prepared to do the best I can in this mess. I have a lot of confidence in the hospital and the care they have given me. I wonder does anyone else have a similar experience. It would just be nice to trade information with others in the same boat. Out of all the websites MacMillan seems to offer the best support for lung cancer. 

Crocus Rose

  • FormerMember

    HI Crocus Rose,

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

    I have stage 4 metastatic bladder cancer which has spread to my pelvic bone and am 38 with a young family.  My whole world fell apart when they gave us the diagnosis.  I am so glad to hear that you have good support around you, I found it to be vital.

    I had a very similar chemo regime to you, I was on cisplatin and gemcitabine each week for two weeks with the third week off so my leukacites could recover.  By halfway through my tumour (very large) had shrunk by half, which was great news, I found it hard going to be honest as I suffered with almost all of the side effects but luckily did not lose my hair.

    I only missed one treatment due to a low immune system.

    I then had a month of radiotherapy and at the beginning of feb I was given the news that there was currently no evidence of disease.  Which is amazing.  It is likely to come back but hopefully not for a while?  I hope that your body responds as well too xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your very helpful reply. I am just so amazed by how helpful this chemo has been and I am so amazed by your story. I have to say your situation with a young family must be doubly worrying for you. Having said that isn't it wonderful we live in a world where this kind of help is available. I take my hat off to MacMillan and the NHS and all the researchers who work on these cancer drugs and treatments. Dreadful though the disease is you enter a world of extraordinary generousity and kindness. I am new to this site but am glad I have found it. Please keep in touch and if I can figure it out I will make you a friend. Hope your recovery continues.

    All the best to you and your family,

    Crocus Rose