Sunday, bloody Sunday

1 minute read time.

Every day is bad but Sunday is the worst. This was our special day, and being alone hits doubly hard. In the early days we would play tennis in the morning and then go to a pub with friends, once we retired it became a long dog walk in the morning, leisurely breakfast with the papers,  gin and tonic with chilli puffs and beef jerky and a special dinner that we had chosen together. Then a quiet evening finishing the bottle of red and watching something together. Nothing exciting, just doing what we wanted to do, together.

I have been in tears practically all morning, I am so lonely and I miss my lovely Pete so much. The sound of his voice, his little catch phrases, his tuneless whistling. Being able to have a cuddle. I can't look at his photos. I can't touch or move anything of his. I can't play music. I keep thinking of walks we did together, little times when we were on holiday, just sitting in the garden together. I feel so intensely sad, sad for me trying to carry on without him, and sad for him, because he loved his life so much and did not want to leave it.

I am finding it so very difficult to keep going. What is the point? Whatever I do, wherever I go, he will not be there to share it with me. The idea of another 20 or 30 years without him appals me. I know people do survive, do make new lives for themselves, but at the moment I cannot see how I can do it. I am lost. I get up, walk the dogs, eat a couple of bits of fruit or something out of the freezer, drink, go to bed. This is not living, it is existing in a grey, blank world. No happiness, no enjoyment. Just sadness and longing. A deep physical ache, wanting to see and hold and speak to him again. 

  • FormerMember

    Effiebee, Dear Aching One, I have just come back on after losing my husband 2+ years ago. while you go through This, The Hardest Part (and there you might have thought you were already through the hardest part), just hang on. Day to day. Grieving varies and each day for you will be different and probably difficult. No quick solutions!

    I have always maintained that the one who gets to go first has it easier. Being left behind to pick up the pieces is awful and this is where you will find your inner strength.

    Be sure to talk often even short bits about your lovely Pete, fun times, memories That is essential. Most folks are uncomfortable bringing up the name of recently deceased partners to widows and widowers when it is actually a very kind thing to do, as we need to talk!!!!!

    You sound as if you are a relatively young widow, as am I and that makes it harder.

    Grey will turn brighter eventually (small consolation at the moment I know). I will keep you in my prayers and heart


  • FormerMember

    E, I also posted a PS on your previous message ( sorry I have been off the site for a few years and learning to navigy)

    I am in Scotland, St Andrews, if you make it near in June, happy to listen or buoy you up if you need....CB