In the hospice.

1 minute read time.

never expected to be here this soon. Pete was desperate to get out of hospital, and the home care package couldn't be sorted quickly enough. Luckily the hospice have taken us in, huge room with natural daylight, peace and quiet, and lovely staff. Don't want to be here or in this situation, but as we have no choice, I think this is the best we can have. 

Pete has not accepted that he is going to die, although he has accepted that he is very ill. He is a real fighter and will keep on till the end. He is asleep more than not now, but peaceful and in no pain. I will bring the dogs in to see him later. 

Strangely I feel less stressed now that I know it is going to be soon. Since December when his brain metastases were diagnosed, it has been an exhausting grind, one step forward and six back. Fear and uncertainty, worry and grief, remorseless and unrelenting. Now the worry, uncertainty and fear are gone, replaced by intense sadness, but also a degree of calm.

And yet ..... every couple of hours it hits me again. THIS CANNOT, MUST NOT BE HAPPENING TO US. We had so many plans, and I cannot believe that there won't be any more time together. We have just finished renovating our house and were  going to do the garden this year. My lovely, gentle bear of a man won't be there, and I don't know if I can bear to stay, although my Mum has half the house and I think she is too old to move. No other ties to the area other than one friend who is also very ill with kidney cancer. At the moment if I think of going places we used to go together, the tears start. 

 I try to concentrate on being grateful for the time we've had, but at the moment all I can do is rage and cry that it is over. We promised each other 35 years together, was that too much to ask for?

  • I am so sorry to read your post.

    I have recently lost my husband to a Brain Tumour and like you I feel grateful for the years we had together but feel cheated out of the many years we should have had left.  Life is so unfair!

    My Husband, like yours, would not accept that he was going to die and I think this gave him the strength he needed to get on with life while he could. 

    Please take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Fran,

    So sad to read your update but I'm pleased that the hospice team are looking after you both. I hope very much that by being there, it will allow you to concentrate on simply being with Pete.

    Of course it wasn't too much to hope for to want more time together. I've come to the conclusion that, whenever the time comes, we'd always hope for just a little longer. I'm sure we all feel the same and it's  perfectly natural to feel furious about it. I know my tolerance level is very low these days. 

    You don't have to make any decisions or think too far ahead at the moment but, if you do decide to stay, then I"m sure you'll go on to make that garden beautiful, just as you had planned it together.

    You are doing so well and I hope that the wonderful hospice staff will prove to be a great support to you at this dreadful time. I will be thinking of you both. Remember that eveyone on here is here for you. Sending you lots of strength, Lucy x

  • FormerMember

    Dear LucyMae and Gails

    Thank you for your replies. Sitting here wide awake at silly o'clock waiting to go back to the hospice.

    Gails, I am so sorry for your loss. It's a stupid thing to say, but I hope that you are managing to cope and come to terms with things, at least a little bit. I think you're right about the hope keeping them going, I so much hope that I will not see any hint of doubt or fear in Pete's eyes.

    LucyMae, thank you for another lovely and thoughtful post. How is your sister getting along? Has there been any improvement since her operation?

    Thanks for the strength and support, sending you both hugs and hopes for better days.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Fran,

    Hope you've managed to get a little rest today and that Pete is peaceful. 

    we've had a slightly better day today in that Sophie is a little more alert since yesterday evening and has even been bossing me about a bit from her hospital  bed so there a hint of the old her visible today! I know it may not last for long, but it was good to see a little of her old spark back. Her children haven't been able to see her all week as she has just been too unwell and it's so upsetting for them as well as her but they've been this afternoon which has given everyone a little boost. Her daughter especially is struggling as she's just too young to understand what's going on and even the older ones are having to second guess as Sophie is insistent that they are not to know the awful reality of her situation yet. I'm sure that this is because she needs to keep a degree of separation from reality herself and who could really blame her.

    Everything just feels so heightened doesn't it .i find myself wanting to capture anything and everything to do with her without wanting to make it look obvious.  Burst into tears and completely over-reacted the other day when I realised that my husband had inadvertently recycled my daughter's birthday card from her as I know it's the last one that she's likely to receive from Sophie. Crazy how these little things seem to become all consuming.

    Here's hoping for a peaceful night and some proper rest for you both and lots of love to everyone who finds themselves here at the moment.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi every one,to any and their family who have been touched with the illness I'm gradually surviving and I hope for the best for anyone like me and I'm praying for all. Good luck.