Cold Hands & Body After Chemo

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Hi All & Hope Everyone is OK

Firstly apologies if I getting things messed up but this is the first time I've ever written any blog or anything else on line for that matter. Just a general question to all really but does anyone else suffer from cold hands after chemo. I have so far had 5 R-Chops (and have a teddy bear named "Chop" who keeps me company during treatment), 3 methotrexate treatments and five intrathecal lumber treatments. If anyone can please let me know if this normal I would be grateful. I am also using the G-CSF injections.


Mike B

  • FormerMember

    Morning Night Time Sea / Mike

    Welcome to the Mac Community, a club no one wanted to join :(

    Are you being treated for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or something else ?

    Reason for asking is that there are a lot of specific groups here and it would be better for you to join one to get chatting to other members going through similar 'stuff'

    It's quite common for folks to feel colder during and after chemo and the G-CSF may be adding to this too (hope you aren't suffering to much bone pain with those)

    If you reply to this we can signpost you to an appropriate group and other areas around here that may be of help to you. While you are settling in, you can select the Information and Support button at the top of the page and can find info about all of the drugs you mention, also info pages for all types of cancer.

    Hope you and 'Chop' are having a half decent weekend, not exactly the weather for a Teddy Bears picnic, but you got all summer for that :)

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember


    Firstly thank you for the reply to the query. I have had a non hodgkin lymphoma which appeared on my face in Oct 15 which explains why I have had the types of treatment I've had. I recently had a CT scan which showed that the cancer has gone apart from a very tiny amount of residual tissue (they aren't even sure it's the cancer as they think it could be bone damage healing) which is good news and they may not be doing the 6th R-Chop due to the progress I've made. With regards to the G-CSF the bone pain is quite mild at present but I will take the third injection this evening and judging by the last times I've had them that's when I'll get the pain which I don't mind as least I know it's working. As for Chop well what can I say as he is a very mischievous little bear but has been my companion on this long journey although my wife, who got me Chop in the first place, has told me that when this is all over Chop must take retirement - I've not told him yet but I am planning a little break away for a couple of days with him when I'll break the news to him.

    thanks and regards

    Mike B

  • FormerMember

    Hi Night Time Sea / MIke,

    Pleased to read your treatment has panned out with good results.

    Lymphoma does tend to play with the bodies thermostat perhaps now it's under control you are feeling how cold it really is as opposed to any night sweats ?

    There is a Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Group (link) you can join and ask this 'feeling the cold' post R-Chop question in - to see if other members have had a similar problem and can offer any advice.

    Feeling the cold may also be partly due to any chemo induced 

    I'm uncertain if any of the drugs used in R-CHOP make you more prone to this.  This could be a question to other members in the Non-Hodgkin Group.

    Do I sense a twinge of jealousy on your wife's part ? - I would take her up on the offer of Chop taking early retirement - It would be a shame to come down for breakfast one morning and find him in a saucepan on the hob  :)

    Good luck with G-CSF #3

    G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Hi G n' J

    Thank you again for the reply and for the link to the discussion group which I will go to in a short while. Part of the R-Chop treatment does have a side effect of numbing and messing with the nerves in hands & fingers but they have halved that dose on the last treatment so maybe it's a reaction to this. As for the night sweats I have been really lucky and only had slight head sweats despite the fact that I have no hair. Strangely though and talking of my hair it has begun to grow back albeit "Baby Fluff" and I still have slight stubble and my eye brows - I have been told that the hair may return a different colour so I am hoping that it comes back blonde but without the grey highlights I had before.

    As for the wife and Chop I take the precaution of hiding him everyday in his own little space just in case the wife gets too jealous but I am planning a small break at the end of May 16 to Bournemouth where I will either take him or the wife depending on whether shes cooked him or not - maybe if I promise to take the wife Chop will get a reprieve. Anyway thanks again for all your help on this. I will hopefully figure out at some stage where the reply or quote tab is on the blogs.


    Mike B & Chop