Forced to face cancer alone. Who stole our NHS

1 minute read time.

I am hoping that my wife and I are unique in this, but we are both desperately disappointed with MacMillan services. The service is nothing like the lavish and presumably expensive adverts. So far in our experience, they are all self-marketed hype with no substance. Unfortunately they are the only Health Service support that we have been offered. My wife was diagnosed with liver cancer at the beginning of February, after the tumour was misdiagnosed as benign in June 2015. Consequentially the prognosis has been given as ‘weeks’. We have seen the McMillan nurse once in that time, apparently she is very busy, poor dear, as McMillan are short staffed, but if I need someone urgently I can call PEPS. Apparently stands for; ?Partnership in Excellence etc? wow, what arrogance! Still, must be good for McMillan caseload statistics.

My wife and I are certainly facing cancer alone. No-one has taken responsibility for my wife’s well-being or quality of life, and I have not yet met, or spoken to, anyone from McMillan who has any empathy with people facing terminal cancer. A couple of examples of the silliness of the service: A promise that MacMillan support could fast track a blue badge, resulted in a three week wait for a contact that offered an appointment to help with the form in a further three weeks. I’ve now completed it myself online, as recommended by the contact. Good for MacMillan statistics I suppose? The nurse insisted that the DS1500 report be sent to her from the GP and not me. She’s lost it!

The nurse can’t provide any information on what we should expect as death closes in, as “everyone is different”. So we face the unknown alone.

The adverts are certainly misleading, if not worse. I thought MacMillan was a charity, supporting Health Services. They certainly are not charitable, and in our case have replaced proper caring nursing support, with no option of alternative.

  • FormerMember

    I no just how you feel. My dad died 3 weeks ago from cancer and the Macmillan nurses were a waste of time we saw her once she said she would come back the following week but got a phone call saying they were busy and would come again in 3 weeks all I can say is thank god for the district nurse if it wasn't for her I don't no what we would have done as we nursed my dad at home right till the end there just doesn't seem to be the help everyone says there is and it's at times like this when you really need all the help you can get and also someone to talk to about what's happening and what to expect I hope you find the help you need good luck

  • FormerMember

    I am very sad, but have to agree. Lung cancer from March 2015. The advertisement

    Makes me so angry. No one should face cancer alone ha I have, no lung nurse no Macmillian

    I was so frustrated I txt the donation line. The very next day got a call about my donation, I could not believe

    The poor girl on the phone, called the wrong person! I wanted to know what would be done with my money,as I sufferd from cancer and the ads were very misleading. I or my family & friends would not give to this charity!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ade1234 and thanks for taking the time to explain your situation and your concerns so clearly. I've sent you an email so that we can take more details from you in order to log and escalate the complaint - and most importantly, to try to get you some more support and information.

    I'll add some links here - both for you and for others who may find them useful...

    We have some information about what will happen at the end of life

    and we also have a downloadable book - End of life: a guide

    We have various groups here on the Online Community that may be helpful:

    Family and friends, a group for patients only called, Living with incurable cancer and one called Supporting someone with incurable cancer. You can see a list of all the groups on the community here.

    Kind regards,