The fear, the introduction

2 minute read time.

Hey Guys, 

I am a young girl who hides so much behind her smile everyday, not many people know what that is, only the closes people to me. I don't know any other way to get my feelings out, apart from writing them down in this blog, but I am not only writing this for me I am writing to help and inspire others in some way if I can. :)

I have a wonderful family, Mom, Dad, two Brothers and one sister. I have cerebral Palsy which affects my movement every day life, but saying this I do not let it affect me or my life I still get on with everything and don't let this restrict me in anyway. I am a student at college, studying retail level 3 management.   

My Mom is 43 years old and for 15 years she has been fighting cancer on and off, a variety of different forms, yes it's  scary no matter what, but this time round to be honest scares me more than ever..... As she has an inoperable brain tuma grade three :( She has had multiply lot of intense treatment of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, which involved all the sickness and hair loss, this kept in doormen, this was the routine for every three half months to make it go to sleep and stop growing. I hated seeing her go through this the pain and all this she was feeling, I just wanted a magic wound to take it all away for her. Now she has had all the treatment she can have, as she now has crones decease from all the treatment which has wrecked her stomach lining, so now they have give her head tablets to monitor it all, but they are not working and for the past three weeks plus her head has been playing up, constent headaches... and I know in a way what this means, her brain tuma grows 1 and a half cm every three months and this is scary when there is no real proper treatment or a quire to help her....

I love my mom she is my inspiration, as she is never down  or sitting there feeling sorry for herself because of what she going through. She always helps others and is the strongest person I know, I feel her strength and will power is my strength to carry on and smile, even though I have a disability I am still a young girl who lives and loves life to the full.

I am now even setting up a Macmillan support group at college to provide support and help to students and staff, starting with a coffee morning :)

p.s Hope this helps someone :D
