
1 minute read time.

When you first receive a diagnosis for cancer whether it be for yourself or a dear family member or much loved friend it can be and is a real shock to the system that mere words can struggle to describe . Although through the journey you try never to let go of any feeling of hope that all will come good even the thought of potential loss can be something that will scare you so much that you just dispel any thoughts of it from your mind given the emotionally painful outcome that may be on the horizon . Many may have a positive outcome in their own respective battle to see off the cancer that they have .

They may prove to be the very lucky ones . It may be that one of these days we will eventually have some form of cure for most cancer types but until we all do let us all believe that while what can seem like a beginning of the end and should that happen at least we can,  with those who may have departed as a result of cancer , a sense of relief that any pain or discomfort is no more . The person affected by the cancer may have by that point left us and no longer with us phsyically but in our hearts and minds they always remain .
