1 minute read time.

Today I was told I have Stage 1 Womb Cancer. I think I knew  deep down  but to hear a consultant look at me and say you have cancer.  Is this really happening to me?   For nine days I have thought about it constantly and kept "a foot in  both camps"  I had prepared myself for the worst but at the same time was hoping it wouldn't be that.  It was so hard to listen to what she was saying trying to understand it.   My immediate feeling was anger because it's been looked into twice before and I was told I was clear.  That's all water under the bridge now I have to dpeal with the present.  Then I thought about the nurse at my new doctors as I have just moved and she pleaded with me to come and see  my new doctor and pursue it again.  She was so insistent even though I thought it would be a waste of time.   Because she was insistent I felt I owed it to her to follow it through and here I am.   After a day of telling people  it's becoming more real and I'm becoming more positive and strong. Tonight I  may feel differently I am a positive person and am grateful for what I have.

  • FormerMember

    Evening CalmChrissy,

    Sorry to see you joining us and getting 'the news' :(

    In case you haven't had much of a chance to look around the site yet.

    There is a fairly active Womb Cancer Group (link) you could check out and join either to just browse, if you need to chat with others in the same boat, or have any questions you would like experienced answers about.

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember


    So sorry you have joined us. I was diagnosed with womb cancer on 8/01/16 I have had a keyhole hysterectomy on 8/2 Monday this week. I'm feeling less and less sore daily but defiantly following lots of good advice I have been given on this site. Do join our group, lovely, helpful and understanding ladies live here. All the very best.

  • FormerMember

    Hi  sorry you have had to join us, as Dreamthief  said there is a active womb cancer site here I am one of the ladies on that site. I had womb cancer nearly two years ago. The ladies in our group are all welcoming and lovely. Hugs Elaine xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yes I was diagnosed a year ago, after a slight bleed, things happened so quickly,  Esp as it was xmas.    I saw a consultant within ten days on a Saturday too. Then had tests MRI etc, I think at this stage I knew.    I got my results on 29th jan 2015, even when he said word Cancer, I thought noooooooo.    I was in having a V.a.l. radical hysterectomy one week later.       I was impressed, only  two days In hosp, but off work for nearly three months due Working in ore.school

      Now have three month checks  as they said removed it all, but I still live in fear of it coming back.  Which I know will go in time, but I find it hard people find it hard to understand why I am still worried, happy but worried.