Preparing for the worst..

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So..what does one do in between being told "it looks like you have breast cancer" and getting the results of the biopsy?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sunshine,

    You have to hope for the best rather than fearing the worst in this agonisingly long waiting results stage.

    How just one week can seem like 2 months is beyond understanding but it seems to take forever :(

    There are many variations / types of breast cancer - fingers crossed whatever they have biopsied is something benign like fibroids or calcification, but if your fears are confirmed hopefully like in most cases this has been found early.

    Breast cancer has a very high 90% recovery rate and of the other 10% most are found late in life in those who have other health problems that means treatments are limited.

    Please join the very active Breast cancer Group (link) not because we think this is cancer too, but because we have all been where you are now and can chat with you and ease your worries and support you while you go through this emotional waiting stage.

    If you do like the look of the place and join the group, just create a New Discussion with a bit of an introduction and ask any questions you may have, we're all here to help.

    Hope this is of some help at a scary time, take care, G n' J  (breast group)