1 minute read time.

I use one Pork Loin Chop per person. This recipe is for two people so for four double it for one half it. If your cooking for more than four get some one else to do it. Let's face it it's hard eneough doing Chemo than cooking for everyone as well.

you will need.

2 Pork Loin Chops ( Thinly sliced)

2 Red or Green Chillies (chopped)

4 Cloves of Garlic (chopped)

1 Onion Chopped

1 Carton Passatta Sauce

1 Packet Cous Cous

Gently fry Onions Chilli & Garlic when soft add pork stir fry for 3 minute.Then add passatta sauce cook gentle for a few minutes. Boil Kettle then follow instruction on the Cous Cous packet it usually takes around 4 minutes. Serve and enjoy.

So as you have noticed it's pretty simple. I've cooked for 5500 people on a Cruiseship and that's easy compared too cooking a few days after Chemotherapy so I'm using convenience stuff that can easily be bought in a Supermarket. Please feel free to play with the recipes they are only a guide after all. I like to add Mange Tout & Baby Corn to this one Peppers would work as well but the wife don't like them. Frozen Peas and Mushrooms also work well. If you can't be bothered chopping the veg stick it in a food processor and do it that way or buy the garlic and chilli purée from the super market. It won't make much difference if you like it extra strong add more chilli and Garlic. I havnt mentioned salt & pepper I add a little at the start but again it's your taste and your dinner so as much or as little as you want. Most importantly enjoy and eat as we need to keep our strength up. 

Good Appetite & Culinary Regards

