I'm feeling lost

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I'm feeling very alone at the moment, my mum has stage 4, grade 3 cancer, she got diagnosed last March, at stage 1b, we were convinced it would be cured. It's spread and spread and it's not. It's been going on for almost a year and how long can I put my stress on my friends and family? She's been prescribed morphine today due to the pain, she was told she had months to live 2 months ago. I feel I have nobody I can talk to anymore even tho I have so much support, where can I turn to? X

  • FormerMember

    Hang in there for you mum. Keep talking to your family and friends. I'm sure they don't mind and want to help and support you.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate, I am sure your friends and family completely understand, its what they are there for and at times like these you need them most. I lost my mum last year and I completely understand this lonely feeling your explains, its as if you are paused while the rest of the world is on fast forward. I found that trying to help my mum complete things she had always wanted to do helped and gave me a feeling of purpose. If you ever need to talk to someone outside you circle I am always here.

    All my thoughts and prayers are with you, your mum and your family.

    Shanie xx