Peripheral neuropathy

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Finishing radiotherapy tomorrow, but this treatment is none stop. I am experiencing very painful joint pain mostly at night, my mobility just seems to be getting worse by the day. My feet feel as if am dragging them. Oncologist told me that this is all due to side effects from chemo even thou my last chemo was back in October. We ask if this condition which is call  peripheral neuropathy is permitted , apparently it takes along time to repair nerves. Is anyone else going through this painful condition? 

  • Hello. I am also experiencing peripheral neuropathy despite finishing my treatments in October. My joints and muscles are painful and I feel slow and clumsy. The numb fingers and toes dont appear to be getting any better and am finding fiddly things difficult to do. My feet hurt a lot and I am always moving them and exercising the feet and ankles as they feel so stiff and numb. I have always been a big walker but find that difficult too atm. The oncologist doesn’t seem overly bothered when I tell him and assured me the feeling will return eventually. I’m hoping that is the case. Although I am signed off work presently I do a physical driving job covering 200 miles a day with heavy lifting and I do not feel I can return to that.  Bit worried about it all.