day 5

Less than one minute read time. wrng can I b!!!!!

Woke up this morning like I had not been to sleep. My body was aching my head was banging and this before popping my pills :(

I swear down I have never felt like this before. Still I travel on bus to my appointment.....wait 2 and half hours in the waiting room. I can feel the energy dripping out of me by the second. I cant even look at nobody my eyes are stinging my head banging. Emma (my angel) is there by my side, laughing at my sly comments making me feel better.

I can't even talk properly to registra and answer any of her questions....I have not got the energy!!!

I wanna go home and go to my bed. My 2 sons are due back from the grandma's tonight can't wait to give them the biggest hug. Not seen them in a week :(

Cant face the bus home so need to uber me home myself....

felling abit better now had sme dinner gonna go in bath and relax with my wee boys 2nite xxx
