Bully first aid kit

3 minute read time.

I have posted one of the popular posts from my web-log cancer-bullied.blogspot.com 

The Bully first aid kit

This is a neat immediate go to list and first aid kit. Where to go if you think you are being bullied and are surviving cancer,  actually it would be of use generally to anyone. UK

Macmillan.org.uk  Macmillan cancer support is a really comprehensive resource for all things related to cancer. In particular Macmillan work and cancer, Macmillan financial and benefits can guide you as well. What is more they have lots of community pages that you can join and chat to other cancer survivors. Plus they also lobby and use lots of volunteers. Do not forget you can telephone Macmillan's cancer support line for guidance on where to go with work related issues and rights.

If you are in a union, now would be the time to speak to them. If you are unsure if you are happy with your work place rep go directly to your union HQ for advice


Bully on line.org. Ready reference as to what bullying is and how to identify it. It is quite and in your face site so try not to get worried. It gives the facts as they are and sometimes we just need to know.


Andrea Adams book Bullying at Work How to Confront and Overcome it - quite an old book now but a really excellent analysis of the how, why and what to do if you are bullied. Sadly we discovered that the author of this important book died at the age of 49 in 1995 of ovarian cancer, but not before she left this important legacy. Thank you Andrea.

From personal experience we would recommend adding an app like Calm Radio's relaxation music app for Android and iPhone etc for immediately giving you access to peaceful and calming music. We have no links to this company but have personal experience of using it when having chemo, when in chronic pain and when stressed out and have found it personally very useful in relaxation and exercise. When bullied, do not underestimate how important it is to keep your body and mind steady. Looking after yourself is imperative now .

At the side of this post we have more links. We think it is important to speak to your doctor so that there is a record of the effect of bullying on you this may be important when proving the bullying. Go even if you do not feel like it so your doctor can talk to you about preventing ill health from stress etc. Moreover, it is important to start looking after your health from this moment as bullying can take its toll. Your doctor should be understanding and want to monitor your health now.

Start keeping copies of notes of the bullying in a private place and retain all emails and keep copies, this is important should you need to prove what is happening.

If you are finding if hard to cope do not forget Samaritans they are a resource for any crisis and you should not hesitate to phone them if in need.

Check your household and contents insurance and all your insurances or workplace benefits. some of these resources will have legal bolt-ons where it may be possible to get free and immediate legal advice and also other legal benefits. Such insurances often cover employment and personal injury.

Above, there is also a link to Counselling services. You may also have workplace counselling services which should be confidential. You can use these if you feel safe to trust them. This must be a matter of your own estimation of your company and its policies. Bullyonline.org discusses this in a great deal more detail.

Some bullying may be so serious that you may need to go immediately to the police. 999 for an emergency or 101 non-emergencies. Remember if a member of staff is sexually harassing you, stalking you, being violent or using racially or other abusive or threatening behaviour, trolling you in cyber-space, they may be committing a crime. If you are not sure if the behaviour is criminal ask the police to advise.

In our previous blog below we have also looked at things that can quickly start missing in your life when you are being bullied. Do not forget friends, life, exercise, good food, fun, nature, walking etc...... Be kind to yourself and heal.

We Are not experts and our blog is only our opinion and not advice. If you are not coping or not sure please seek the advice of a professional.

We are great advocates of counselling and found this most beneficial when dealing with difficult areas of life

Please if you do give us your story please ensure that posts do not name or shame any individual or Corporate entity or identify anyone who has not given permission.
