Have you found returning to work difficult after cancer treatment ...i

Less than one minute read time.

I am in the process of raising a grievance against my company for discrimination...I have had disciplinary due to time off before and after my diagnosis . I would be interested to find out what are other company policies regarding cancer 

  • Hi gillyflower68, I am wondering if you meant to start a discussion in a group rather than start a blog? (A blog is like an on line diary). There have been other discussions in the Life after cancer group about work issues including this one

  • FormerMember

    Hi gillyflower68. I really am sad to read that you've been treated in this way. My story couldn't be more different. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer on 1st November 2017, & had an open radical Nephrectomy to remove the kidney & surrounding tissue on 30th November. As the cancer had also grown into a blood vessel, that had to be cut away & the remainder re-plumbed into the vena cava.

    I was away for appointments leading up to the surgery and I was off for almost 3 and a half months before returning on a phased basis on 5th march 2018. I've also had several follow up appointments since returning to work, for scans, blood tests BP checks etc. I have an oncology appointment in a few weeks & my employers are great regarding all that too. I gradually built up my hours and have been back full time since early May.

    My employers have been very supportive & generous to me over this. I'm 66 years of age and they are still showing the greatest care towards me.

    Your employers seem to be locked in the dark ages. As an HR manager, I'm appalled at the fact they've treated you in this way. A disciplinary for being ill with Cancer? I sincerely hope they are well & truly shamed through this grievance procedure. I hope you have somebody good helping you with this. You certainly deserve it. My best wishes to you. Ray

  • FormerMember

    Hi gillyflower

    It sounds awful that you are going through disciplinary proceedings due to time off in your circumstances.

    Prior to having cancer, I've had experience of being unfairly dismissed (employers settled after 1.5 days into tribunal hearing).

    Do you have any access to professional telephone advice about your employment situation? I found that my household insurance policy entitled me to free advice from an employment solicitor so it is worth checking any insurance policies to see if you may have access to such advice too. The whole of my 2-day tribunal case was prepared by e mail and telephone and I had a barrister representing me, paid for through my insurance.

    Make sure you keep written records of everything that happens, confirm any oral discussions and telephone conversations by e mail and keep seeking emotional support from people outside of work.

    One bigger question that needs to be faced, do you actually wish to continue working for an employer who treats you so badly? If it's one rogue manager who has instigated disciplinary proceedings then it might be possible to resolve the problem but if you are in a culture where you aren't being respected or treated reasonably then, however hard it might seem at the moment, at least you can respect yourself by looking for an alternative source of income elsewhere.

    All good wishes


  • FormerMember

    Evening gillyflower68

    Just wanted to reply as I can still 'tag' members where others are having problems with this recently to let you know you have some replies :)

    Noticed you also joined the very active Cervical Group (link) a while back - Maybe it would be helpful to you if you started a New Discussion there copying in your above message to get even more replies and opinions about this, as not as many members read blog messages but do take a more active interest in group messages.

    Hope you get lots of support and advice as it seems you have been treated very poorly by an uncaring company :(

    Take care, G n' J