My story

1 minute read time.

In Feb.2014 I became not very well with stomach problems,  No matter what I did nothing helped.  After visits to my doctor and several attempts with tablets etc. the situation became more serious.  I went to see a specialist who advised he would do some tests. i.e. endoscopy etc.  However before any tests could be done I fell very ill and fortunately I was in hospital when this happened.  I cannot explain how ill I was but the specialist advised my husband and family that I could have died.  Fortunately after five days he felt he knew what it was and began treatment with octroetide injections which controlled my very severe symptoms.  I was then referred to another specialist who specialised in this field and he found a neuro endocrine tumour on my upper bowel.  He operated in the June and took some of my liver, my gall bladder and 2cm of bowel and reconnected after removing the tumour.  However eventually these things appeared on my liver and I had radio frequency ablation * I think that it what it was called" and this appeared to help. I had a further operation in Nov. 2016 to find a blockage that I had which had involved being admitted to A&E several times and also resulted in a huge hernia appearing.  I was very lucky as the blockage was found and the hernia repaired up to 85%.  I now have monthly injections to control the "things" on liver which appear to help.  I am however very frightened as no-one seems to be able to tell me what eventually will happen.  It all feels like how long is a piece of string.  I am in my seventies and I suppose reasonably fit in other ways although I do suffer from hot flushes and frequent visits to the bathroom.  I also occasionally have a great deal of pain but fortunately this is not often and I can control it.   I just want to know what to expect.  I suppose I am lucky because they found the primary source but sometimes I feel when and how it will all end.  My moods are extreme to say the least and I don't know how to control this.  HELP!

  • FormerMember


    HI Oscarbabe

    Yes how long is a piece of string seems to be the shock answer =very sorry to hear that you have pain at times =I have just joined group last week Secondary liver cancer they can't trace Primary

    II am apart from this fit and carry on as normal as can be but have moments of dread for the future

    70 years old wonderful family and friends for support but a whole life changer =diet trips away etc etc

    First chemo last week was OK just left with severe hiccups =We must stay strong and hey you know there are new treatments and cures coming all the time one of those may be just be the miracle we await

    Stay positive


  • FormerMember

    Thank you Geordypatriot I do try to stay positive as you obviously do and this is relatively easier when I am not in pain and as you say medical science is coming on in leaps and bounds. Thank you for your time and may I wish you all the best for the future.

  • I was diagnosed with Neuro endocrine Cancer in my lung on 6th June. The good news is that it hasn’t spread and I wont

    need Chemotherapy. On the 9th I was told that I will have half of my lung removed. I had three viruses from end Jan to 3rd April ,

    and it was at the last one that I got to see the doctor.I had what I classed as a “catarrh cough” for most of that time. An X-ray on 23rd April

    and everything has progressed really quickly since then : CT scan, Bronchoscopy, Biopsy , Diagnosis. I’m terribly tired all of the time

    and have a dry cough.

    The day of my diagnosis ,I cried briefly and then carried on and have been surprised at how calm I have been,having felt that I would 

    go to pieces if I was ever told that I had Cancer. I am 64 now and my friends have been great,I haven’t told my family because we arent

    close and I don’t want any fuss.I'm not in a relationship so that is one less complication,and have lived on my own for a long time so

    I am very self reliant.

    Having always been a really strong person,I can deal with this,and let’s face it, it could be a lot worse,and I have great faith in God

    which really helps.

    Take care everyone