What do I do now

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I’m not entirely sure of why I’m here everything I seem to do, every where I seem to look, it’s all in slow motion. My world has been ripped apart by this horrible word that I can’t even type. My thought and feelings are like when I was a child to which that all that was around is far too big, Bigger than me and I am a insignificant being that can’t climb out of a situation that is entirely out of my hands. 

I presume that people will read this and say “she’s having a bad day” trouble is everyday seems like a bad day. 
I used to be fairly levelheaded person until it tears its ugly head out of me again. 

Emptiness seems like a happy relief 
  • FormerMember

    Hi miss piggy , I myself have stomach cancer , I was diagnosed March '17 . I also feel your pain , my partner of 12 yrs assaulted me and said he " can't do this "!! Then he walked and I didn't hear from him again . I still feel devastated, hurt angry , and alone . I have 4 wonderful grown up kids , im 58 , they along with my sister have been my support . And I cry at night because I don't have that someone to be there for me when my final hours approach . So you see , you are not alone , there are people who relate to you . I'm sending a great big hug to you , just remember " good days ,bad days " enjoy all of them ,celebrate the fact we are still here . X

  • FormerMember

    I am 34 just diagnosed with stomach cancer I am only just getting my head round it I have 6 children and have never been so scared for them in my life my youngest is only 2 I have been told by my consultant my cancer has spread to my kidney and possibly my pancreas as it is sat on it I've to have keyhole surgery Monday coming so they can look closer but have said they can't remove it I am absolutely dreading going for my final results... Love n hugs to u all x