the beginning

1 minute read time.

Im all very new to this blog stuff so forgive me if i ramble !  

My journey began last November (2017) when i found a "tiny" lump in my right breast.  It was getting near christmas, my new career was just getting started and i felt better than i had in years having been suddenly widowed a few years earlier.  The GPs were always busy, you always end end getting something in their waiting rooms, don`t you? So I left it a few weeks to see if it would disappear.  No it didnt, so off i went, aghh trainee Dr only (with back up, if required).  We will just sent you to the breast clinic, one stop shop, just to rule anything out the lovely GP said !!

So , by christmas I had been diagnosed with Ductal Invasive Breast Cancer.  Booked for mastectomy in Jan and felt like an alien had come in and taken control of my body, my life, how dare they??

I`m rambling so date

Mastectomy Jan, "tiny" lump turned out to be much bigger, ANC Feb as 14 nodes out of 20 affected.

Did not want chemo but here I am, getting through it.  I have now had 3 fec, this was not pleasant and I take my hat off to any ladies out there who have managed to work at the same time, I was signed off.  I am now day 10 after my first docetaxel and I feel like that alien is fighting me from the inside but I am going to see this out, have a holiday booked for next year, yes I was getting ahead of myself!

Throughout this journey so far, I have chosen to attend all my appointments alone, went for surgery on my own, god i was so scared, I dont have to but I dont want my children to see my fear, they are all young adults now, just starting life!! Its not fair !!

Sorry have to stop, having a moment

I have never thought of writing this stuff, its all very personal, but now i have to finish cos the tears are coming but thanks for reading

Hugs to all 


  • FormerMember

    Hi , I am new to blogging too , well done to you , booking your holiday, that's positive!! I have inoperable stomach cancer , diagnosed March "17 , only recently have I been having symptoms of my cancer,. I believe I've got this far because of my attitude towards it, and I will not give in without a fight !! I have had chemo all last year and recently started a new course. I set myself goals and made it my mission to have fun and make memories with my 4 grown up children and my grandchildren . I actually have had an amazing year !!!! That's weird considering I was told it was terminal , make memories and enjoy every minute of them , sending you a big hug x

  • FormerMember


    H my goodness netty60, you're going through the ringer but I admire you, as you say attitude helps. I hope you continue to make those memories, make them the best ones you can!! Sending hugs to you xx

    Had number 5 yesterday, at a reduced dose because of severe side effects but now only 1 to go, starting to feel alien like again.

    I really hope this stuff works!!!