All going very fast!

1 minute read time.


I'm new to this and have never used any site like this before. By chance just after Christmas I found a tiny lump on the back of my neck, my doctor said it was nothing to worry about but he'd send me for a scan anyway. Cut a long story short that lump was fine but they found lumps in my thyroid. 5  weeks ago I had my right side of my thyroid removed. I've now been diagnosed with pt3 follicular papillary thyroid carcinoma. It's all been so quick it's almost like a blur. In the space of a week I have been told I have cancer had my pre op  had a ct scan and booked in Monday for the other half really worried about the second op and I don't really know why, it's not as though I haven't had it once already. 

How long after the op do you usually have radio iodine treatment? Like I say I it's been so quick I haven't spoken to my oncologist yet 

I'm 33 and I have 2 young children (7and 9) it's hard to comprehend what is going on as I feel like I'm in a blur  My husband is an angel but I can't help feeling that I'm putting a huge burden on his emotions  (he's the strong one) is this normal to feel like this.

Sorry for the long post hope it makes sense 

