emotions - Fect chemo

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Hello to all on this sunny Sunday morning . 

Why is it I was worrying so much about the physical side effects of chemo. It never occuref how hard it would be emotionally,  ups and downs that I've never experienced it my life, it's scarey,  never cried and shouted so much in these last three weeks .

I have had sore mouth,  tiredness and Been in hospital for nuertrprenia sore throat but compared to my emotions that was doable.  

I've experienced stuff I'd never invasaged , falling out with family members cos they cant cope,  close friends that I thought would be there for me,  people from my past have popped up to support which has been beautiful and emotional.  

Having the masectomy was easy compared to the chemo. 

Anybody else experienced this please Xx feel like I'm going mad X 

  • FormerMember

    I finished chemo on 22nd January but still feel so exhausted, tired, lifeless, fatigued and my eyes just want to close, my hair is thinning and is all over the place.  Now I have found out my Cancer has returned and I have to have another 6 lots of chemo, I am dreading it, I wouldn`t wish it on my worst enemy. Last time it made me so ill we had no Christmas and New Year. I am just praying that this different chemo doesnt affect me as bad as the last lot. Thinking about you all who are going through this or knowing they have it ahead of them

  • FormerMember

    Thawed18, I believe side effects from chemo can last 12 months. I finished in January and I am still tired, fatigued, exhausted and although I did not lose all my hair, it is thinning now more than ever, its all over the place. Hope your hubby`s effects dont last too long. 

  • FormerMember

    Thank you clarkie 48 for you reply , the one thing these blogs do is remind me that others are going through difficult times as well, i hope very much you feel stronger soon, my husband is losing his hair too and for now is eating much better, but the depression was unexpected and i dont seem to be able to think of a way to help, we are meeting his Dr Monday so will mention it to him i hope they will be able to help, take care and i hope things will improve for you too x


  • I Did not realise I might become Very depressed after my fec chemo, angry at times, restless , tearful to name a few, it's a scarey time, I've Just had second fec and Hair all gone, was dreading this part but not as traumatic as anticipated!!! My children More upset then me which in turn upset.

    I hate what cancer has done to my family!!

    I am waiting to see a councillor who has like me Masectomy, chemo etc. I need to realise these feelings as currently punching cushions!!

    Much love to everyone xxx