emotions - Fect chemo

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Hello to all on this sunny Sunday morning . 

Why is it I was worrying so much about the physical side effects of chemo. It never occuref how hard it would be emotionally,  ups and downs that I've never experienced it my life, it's scarey,  never cried and shouted so much in these last three weeks .

I have had sore mouth,  tiredness and Been in hospital for nuertrprenia sore throat but compared to my emotions that was doable.  

I've experienced stuff I'd never invasaged , falling out with family members cos they cant cope,  close friends that I thought would be there for me,  people from my past have popped up to support which has been beautiful and emotional.  

Having the masectomy was easy compared to the chemo. 

Anybody else experienced this please Xx feel like I'm going mad X 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie / Julie16a

    This is oh so'ooo normal unfortunately :(

    Once the cancer rock gets lobbed into the lake the ripples run far and wide upsetting everything in it's wake.

    Most friends and relatives don't know what to say or do, so say and do nothing - it's as if you had the plague. This is why you feel so alone a lot of the time. You sort of learn who your real friends are the hard way :-/

    If they are frightened of contacting you for fear of upseeting you (or themselves) make them realise you are still you going through a tough time, not someone at deaths door. If they still hide in the corner - you are probably better off without their negativity.

    "The Pain You Feel Today, Will Be The Strength You Have Tomorrow"

    Hugs, G n' J

  • Hi Julie,

    I felt exactly the same as you-physical side effects were a breeze compared to how I felt emotionally. I'm halfway through my chemo and finished the EC part, first T cycle next week..

    My emotions did settle down (much to the relief of my husband/mum/everyone) after my first cycle- I asked to halve then stop the dexamethasone which helped me greatly as I didn't have any nausea in the first place.

    I found because I just cracked on with things people close to me thought I was coping brilliantly so didn't really offer any help or ask me if I was ok- guess I was trying so hard to convince myself, I convinced everyone else too.

    I made a point to really get across to my oncologist and BCN that the emotional side effects were the hardest to deal with and thankfully she was really supportive. My BCN was amazing- rang me every day for the first cycle just to let me vent and tell me I was normal!!!

    I am lucky to have a Macmillan Horizen centre near me which offer some lush complimentary therapies- a lot of them can really help with anxiety and relaxation, maybe it's worth having a look to see if there is anything like that near you?

    Jen xxx

  • Thank you for your replies.

    I think I'm the same. Always Been a strong person but this chemo has knocked me badly. People's reactions startle me, I realise that they cant unferstand what Im going through but I get annoyed with it to the point I avoid them.

    Its the constant reassurance I need Do thanks for confirming I'm not going mad. I see a councillor this week so that may help

    Much love xx

  • That's great about talking to someone, I definitely want to too- I think it's offered after treatment a lot.

    I thinks it's hard for people to walk a mile in our shoes as they're the shoes no one wants to try on..

    I can see both sides now- my best friend was diagnosed whilst we were both pregnant- our boys born the same day next door to each other. I could literally kick myself now when I think of the times I was sometimes dismissive of her worries and how I just assumed how straightforward her treatment would be... fast forward 9 months and I found myself talking to the same oncologist with exactly the same fears that no one else understood!

    Hope the next chemo is kinder to you- mine definitely was xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone. does anyone know if coming off the Chemo has side effects, my husband came off last Thursday and has had some very bad moods and depression, i dont know what to do , would be grateful for any suggestions, hes otherwise reasonably well , and is hoping to have an operation in June