BRCA Spoiler

1 minute read time.

Hi, I’m Shanie.

I am a 20 something year old recovering beauty addict obsessed with Kate Middleton, Champagne and anything that helps life to sparkle. A lover of handbags, Kim Kardashian and a massive foodie, well chocolatier.

By day I work for the exciting world of IT, and most nights you will find me glued to my laptop watching Vlogs, Made in Chelsea or spending some much needed time at the GYM. Shopping is one of my favorite past times and you will usually find me eying up my next beauty or fashion craze around Basingstoke.

Oh and did I mention I also have that little critter of a gene called BRCA2.



I am starting my blogging journey to help raise awareness of what living with a gene mutation such as BRCA2 is like. After searching high and low on the internet I found few blogs from someone in my position and really wanted to be able share my experience, emotion and brutal honesty on this intrusive yet gift of a gene.

If you are someone who has a gene mutation, or someone that just wants to know more then I hope my blog will give you the information you crave.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, Enjoy.

To Read more visit :

Shanie Marie
