What now?

1 minute read time.

So at the age of 43 i found out i had breast cancer. Now you can think "oh that's so unfair" and "i am so sorry" but life is i am afraid, unfair and never sorry. Instead of having another baby (that most of my friends where at that point ) i had cancer. So when my oncologist informed me that this will be at least a nine month to a year battle i took it stoically, instead of having a baby i was going to have to fight cancer. A lot of worrying and pain involved in both and the end results would be instead of giving life to one would be saving a life, my life. 

And the year passed and we are at the end of the rainbow, so what now? What is this life i have inherited through the most horrendous fight of my life? Because for sure thus is not MY LIFE. All of a sudden everything had to be reevaluated and adjustments needed to be made and everyone keeps very kindly reminding that i am still here. But here is a question for you AM I , ARE YOU? i don't think so, i cannot do the things i love anymore with my child, I cannot hold my child and lift him up when he is hurt, i cannot eat what i like anymore and cook what i want to cook anymore (yes i do think real butter needs to used ) and i don't look the same as i used to look anymore. I cannot have fun and socialise the same way anymore, i have become the one that goes home early not the one that used to say hi to the sun rising. 

So forgive me when i say that i have issues with the life that i saved (not meaning to sound ungrateful).

I am writing this blog in the hope it will be a cathartic experience for me so join me, read me, comment and lets take a walk together.

With my deepest admiration for each and everyone of you


  • FormerMember

    Hi. I know what you feel. Last Thursday I was informed that my humerus fracture was caused by the tumour. Possibly primary bone Lymphoma based on MRI scan results (very rare). Awaiting biobsy that is next Friday. You are going to be good I am sure...we all will. Keep the faith, be strong....