The realisation of reality of living with Cancer

1 minute read time.

Well its been 3 weeks since my diagnosis of Vulva cancer. I don't even like using that word, no-one knows where or what the vulva is. So I just say I have cancer of the groin. I say that because I find it hard to sit down and get in and out of my car, even walking hurts now. But what hurts most of all is peoples misunderstanding of the emotions you go through on a minute by minute basis. Do I start making a will, do I arrange my affairs, do I book a holiday, do I plan to go a concert in 2 months time?? I have no idea on what to do, my head is a mess. I'm still working right up until my operation date 2nd May, if anything thats keeping me sane, giving me something to get out of bed for. But its taking its tole on me. People keep on saying to me I look tired, but they don't know what is wrong with me, only my boss knows. I haven't told my clients and I dont't know whether I should. I work in a drug and alcohol rehabiltation centre supporting people to overcome addictions and get into recovery. Something I am going to have to do my self, but mine will be recovery from cancer. Its like unless you have actually had cancer and heard those words come out of a doctors mouth towards you, you will never truly know the effect it has on you. Its like a unwritten and unsaid death sentence (harsh I know) but thats what people think when they hear the word cancer. It doesn't go away it needs to be treated, but the treatments are so invasive and so painful, I do respect people who choose not to have treatment. Especially if they know it will not increase their time. Presently I have 4 days wait until I have my surgery, but each day I can feel my tumour growing and growing and the pain increasing, I have to have this surgery, I can't live like this for much longer.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sam, so sorry to read this and I completely understand how difficult it is to talk about.

    Yes it is indeed a very big drain on our emotions, the thing I find distressing is after telling, to the best of our ability and trying to hide our real feelings to save embarrassment, people don't know what to say, so now I find myself acting like I'm on top of the world.

    I think holidays are a great idea, and concerts, also hobbies and reading, any distraction is the best thing, because waiting for appointments and results so tiring, and our imagination can run away with us.

    I was so scared to have my hysterectomy (over 2 and half years ago) it was my first operation, but I couldn't believe it, It was just one night in the hospital and all the staff really kind.

    Try to find something you really enjoy to concentrate on. help to pass the time, and let us know how you get on, please.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember


    I just read your story and it sounds almost like mine, but I don’t think mine is advanced. I have no idea and feel the same way you do. I am also scheduled for surgery on May 2nd, I was suppose to have surgery this past week, but after waiting for a few weeks I think my throat infection was caused by stress, so I have been so upset not being able to have had the surgery since I was diagnosed March 13 and decided to go to the cancer center treatments. I don’t like to discuss where it is either, I just say female. You know not where any woman would want surgery! I was diagnosed out the blue as this happened rapidly and I went to the doctor for something else and I said something about the patch and thickening and my dr was concerned to do biopsy. Thank goodness. She just said it was squamous cell. It’s not the cyst or pain your experiencing, but I feel so awkward and have been home for this infection to clear up so I can be healthy for surgery. The oncology examined me after tests and said he thought it may be gone. He asked, why do you look puzzled? I was like that would be great but I didn’t feel that in my gut! Now I feel really good about this doctor, not, He then did biopsy and said I’ll probably just need cream and then they called 2 days later his PA said the biopsy he did in another area was Vin3 which I’m guessing is the same. I have no clue. I wasn’t so concerned at first but now I’m concerned about everything because they said I needed surgery and I had already known that. I have not spoken to this dr till the day before to find out what exactly they are doing. I just know it’s a a partial vulectomy and this waiting time really caused me so much stress that I as well am like this is my female parts. I don’t know if he is removing all the bad stuff! I wanted to work up till the day before, but had this throat issue and everyone agreed I needed to rest but I wanted the surgery and now am 4 days out hoping this is almost gone, I am not telling them I’m still on antibiotics since my Ent couldn’t understand why they delayed surgery, I was sick, but not enough not to have had this done. My ob said I needed to get this done ASAP but wants the onconolgist to do. I will be going alone and hoping for the best since my bf and I aren’t speaking and I got myself in a bad place all because of this because of the wait time. 10 days with throat and just about gone now. I feel your pain and the fact it’s such a private area. What am I suppose to say, hey I have cancer in my vagina! I don’t even know what to expect. I did get a email saying to expect to be out of work 10 days so my out of work started early. I’m just isolated and keep company with my dog and want this over with. I’m sorry yout in so much pain. I hope we can exchange thoughts. I love life and the outdoors. I am 47 and as well feel much younger and older because of this. I hope this reaches you as I feel the same and am trying to be positive, but hard when your not feeling well.

  • FormerMember

    Well I've had my surgery and its nearly 2 weeks later. I'm not in as much pain as I was but still in some. They had to do a lymph node removal also just in case the cancer has spread to other parts. I'm still bleeding down there and don't even like looking but at least the tumour has gone, or so I hope. I don't see my oncologist until next week. I'm missing work and being busy. Every day I have to take more tablets and inject myself in my stomach- something I'm getting used to doing. My relationship is rocky, no-one gets the up and down emotions of feeling like your world is ending. I know people survive this and I know that people move on from cancer but deep down my head and my heart are broken. I can't believe its happened to me. Its hard to feel positive when life is against you, or so I feel at the moment.