9 months later

1 minute read time.

Its been 9 months since i had my surgery and life has gone back to, kind of, normal. But I still have thoughts of what might have been and what might be to come. I have started getting pains in my vulva again like I had before. I went to see my GP and she said it was just scar tissue. Don't believe her for a second, after all she didn't spot the cancer in the first place. Its also been hard trying to move on and get back to normal. I don't think you are ever the same again once someone has said those words to you. I am looking at going to a support group soon as I need to be able to talk about my cancer and how it affects my thinking and ways of dealing with things. My relationship with my husband has now broken down. He did look after me after my surgery but I wasn't able to get past my 'cancer' when he was having one of his off days. I'm back at work and my role has changed considerably but I find it hard to do my job sometimes when all i want to scream out is that I am still suffering, both mentally and physically. I don't want to feel like a hypochondriac but I know something is not right. I have 3monthly check ups and live to these and once they have happened I then know I am safe for another 3 months. Not a way to live but my oncologist said that the chances of it returning are high, great! So has it returned I don't want to know, I know I got through it before, I just don't want to have to go through the treatment again. 

  • FormerMember

    Its good to hear from someone who feels like me. Cancer is such a lonely place to be. Your positiveness is empowering and inspiring. I agree that days can be bad and I have wobbles often. I think that just being able to talk to people who understand what you are going through or have gone through is helpful. Other people don't understand that it is a constant thought in your head and one that sometimes keeps you awake at night. I think I will take a leaf out of your book and become more forthright with my GP and tell her I want referring back to the hospital as I have some symptoms again which she said were nothing to worry about. But I know my own body and my symptoms are coming back. Thank you so much for replying and being so open with your thoughts. xx