The SLL journey continues - peripheral neuropathy

1 minute read time.

It is now nearly a year since I had the "All clear". How do I feel ...... a little lost and unsure. I know that I am in remission, which is great, as I have been told however, with a low immunity I am exposed, more than most to the slightest germ, infection and ailment. I want to feel well and as I used to but it is not to be. Take good care of yourself is the message I have taken away. 

Post Chemo I contracted Bowens disease (pre cancerous cells on my back). Creams taken over several weeks remedied this uncomfortable condition. Other post Chemo symptoms followed including fatigue, shingles and associated months of pain etc.

I have also experienced what I believe to be peripheral neuropathy. A numbness and tingling to my hands and fingers as I awake in the morning. For everything there is a solution, or so I have heard. My remedy is to take up knitting, taught to me originally by my Nan, left for many years and recently taken up again. This happened by accident really, when the ladies in the village encouraged me to knit poppies for armistice day (100 years since the end of WW1) in mid-2018. Some 6,500 were knitted in all and laid on netting across the local church roof. An amazing effort .I only managed 10 but every little helps. Following on from this I decided to make simple scarves for the Grandchildren, friend and family for Christmas 2018. 34 in all !! Well this "Therapy" really worked as it assisted that dreadful feeling in my hands loosening up the digits and building strength in my upper arms generally. It is back again next morning though. Will it ever end, who knows but in the interim I will persevere with the good "Therapy" :) :)

Hope this is of some help to others xx Martine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Marine, 

    Glad you are in remission, it's a great feeling and great relief to know that you've beaten the illness, so I'm glad for you.

    Make sure you keep away from people that are infectious because with low immunity you are more susceptible to illness. 

    You've probably heard this a thousand times " stay positive " it's all you can do. As for me, I'm not so lucky but that's another story. 

    Good luck on your journey, just be aware it can come back as mine has with a vengeance. 


    Ken xx