Coming to terms.

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Well 12 weeks since I was told I had untreatable and terminal liver cancer, and boy has it been a ride. I've two sons 25 and 27, the younger lives in Germany, the older in my home town. The first person I contacted after I got the news was their mum ( we are not together), we agreed that we couldn't tell the older because we didn't want him to tell our younger son who lives in Germany and would panic, so we agreed that she would tell the younger to come home for serious family news. Oh boy, did I get a grilling from the lads, me and their mum had agreed not to lie, but not to volunteer anything, so when Connor (in Germany) rang and asked if I was ok I could say yes (I'm asymptomatic). Anyway he came over and Barbara brought both lads over to my house about 20 miles away (tbc)

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, my dad has just been diagnosed with liver cancer based on ultrasound and physical examination (we don't know yet what stage and if spread) but they have said it's inoperable and only mentioned chemo. We're waiting for a treatment plan late next week but are conscious this needs freaking with very quickly. My dad's liver is enlarged and you can feel the tumours. Your story is amazing, did you have any treatment at all to help you? Any other advice you can offer as he has lost weigh and is itchyt but doesn't feel particularly unwell. Thank you 

  • FormerMember

    Hello sunrisest, I noticed your post and just wanted to suggest you click on changohanks profile and then latest activity and you will see he has given an update on his situation from a few days ago that you might find helpful. I am sorry you find yourself in this situation, it's very hard waiting for test results as you just want to get started with treatment but once the wheels are set in motion you will feel more in control and start to feel less stressed. I have gone through treatment for a very serious blood cancer so I have empathy with your dad and he will be grateful for your love and support.

    best wishes
