20th April

1 minute read time.

Mum was worn out today, had so many visitors, 12 in all, too many really. That's the down side to having open visiting, at one point there were 7 of us. Everyone means well, and it's lovely that they want to see mum, but it's just so tiring for her. 

Mum's room is lovely, with views over the garden, but because of the pain she is in she couldn't turn her head to see it, so the nurse did the next best thing- she turned mum's bed round to face the window. I'm not sure if mum was bothered, but I suppose it made me feel better, knowing she had a more pleasant view. 

I had to help feed mum today. She can't sit up well and eating in bed is awkward for her. With lymphedema in one arm as well its a struggle to move. 

Mum asked the doctor today if its likely that she will be moved to a nursing home, it's obviously been playing on her mind that the hospice is a short stay facility. Was told it's unlikely. It's hard to come to terms with, even though in my heart I knew. 

It was heart breaking leaving tonight, I know mum didn't want me to. Although she said I needed to get home for the lads, her actions said otherwise, and I left wondering if I will ever see her awake again. 
