A few starters for ten

Less than one minute read time.

It was the month I was told I had myeloma

It was the month I nearly died post stem cell transplant

It is the month when everything starts to grow -not good when you are in remission from an incurable cancer

It is nearing the end of the football season - and my team is getting relegated

You can’t relax in the evenings because it is sodding light outside which makes you feel you should be out

All sorts of insects start bothering me again

The garden looks a mess again

It is the month when most suicides take place

So, no April, I don’t like you. I won’t welcome your arrival. I won’t say that the dawn of spring is anything to celebrate.


And there is no new Green Day album planned anytime soon (nice link to the title!) 

So yes, you can wake me up when it is all over!
