When writing an essay....

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Hello to all of the wonderful people on here,

This perhaps one of the nicest places Ive found online , and at the same time one of the saddest. Cancer is unforgiving , and although i have met some amazing people I do sometimes wonder what life would be like without seeing relatives slowly fade. Its heartbreaking, and senseless and riles me up when people are blamed on their lifestyles as for why they got cancer. To be perfectly honest , I think this whole thing of blaming people has got to stop, its dangerous and I have seen how it can upset people. 

Cancer is not something I have thankfully ever had myself, but I have seen 4 people pass in the last 5 years , and another relative, an uncle to me has just been taken into a hospice  last night , and I know it won't be long , despite the fact he is determined to make it to christmas. I cant fault his determination, he told the nurses off for being a bit to cautious and that he was perfectly fine thank you very much. 

I have been contemplating recently when is the best time one should have to learn that cancer has begun to invade someones, or their own lives , making themselves into that roommate that never leaves, or pays rent or clears up after themselves. For me, cancer has never appeared at the best of points, but then when is a good time ? Perhaps the saddest, and one that still haunts me was a 16 year old class mate died a day before childhood cancer awareness month. If ever there was irony , it seems to be there.

I have recently joined college, and thus have been transitioning to a new environment,which has been a little challenge in itself. My next door neighbour passed from secondary bone on the 1st of January , then Uncle Raymond goes into hospice which has just been the saddest shock to the new year. I think , for me at least I know they are ill but I don't think anything can prepare you for those moments.

Sorry if this comes across as a rant , I just needed somewhere to vent that isn't at my councillor who bless her heart I dont think is best qualified to help with this sort of thing.

Much love,

Emma x

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