My mum

1 minute read time.

My mum was diagnosed with stomach cancer , on the 1st of December , so it was a shock and Christmas was planned for her and my dad to come to our house in Liverpool ( as mum and dad moved to wales in the feb ) but now plan as changed as she is having stomach removed on 18 th December , I went of work on 27 th on the sick used all my holidays up to that point . So 18 th came god it was awful had to get her to Wrexham hospital by 7 am as it is over hour away left at 5.30 very hard driving in silence with tears in my eyes as my both parents were snuggled up

in the back . We go her there  , she went down surgery went well they got all cancer out , but she has to have radiotherapy and chemo incase tiny cancerous particles left . Anyway 12 weeks after surgery chemo tablets started last Monday as did radiotherapy, she was 70 2 weeks previous but couldn’t celebrate . She is struggling with chemo tablets vomiting , shaking , sweating it’s hard to see , iv been home 3 times in this time my live is on hold it’s good job I have amazing supportive husband and mother Inlaw and my 15 year old stays up here with me when he is t in school . but when I go home I get separation anxiety it’s awful

i can’t control it uncontrollable crying panic attacks it’s horrible , I hope by talking about my emotions on here someone else will tell me they feel the same and I won’t feel so weak and useless 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Colesutto

    So sorry to see you joining us here and reading about your mum :(

    There is a very active (and friendly) Carers Group you should join and post this message to as a New Discussion, you actually have to join the carers group to do this though. Just click the coloured text link above to find it.

    You won't regret joining the group the helpful advice and support from other carers there is brilliant.

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember


    iam sorry to hear about you mum, my father in law was diagnosed begin of February however it was in food pipe stomach and liver by then he was 70 and had pasmaker he was too weak for treatment they tryed radiotherapy buy he passed away on the 18th of March he went down hill really quickly.

    iwent to every appointment with him and I saw how upset he was how much it hurts him.

    nwe I feel lost and guilty for hurting when I know my husband (son) to my father in law and other relatives are heart broken I'm trying to be strong for them but it' so hard being there every step of the way.

    tt only advice I can give be there as much as you can but look after yourself toor and I hope all will be well with your mum xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank u so much for that comment , so sorry for your loss I’m lucky I still have my mum it is heart breaking watching someone u llove in pain and being unable to make them better , but your comment makes me feel like I’m not strange feeling like this thank u take care