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I am 41 and suffered back pain, severely heavy periods and urine problems for over two years. I eventually saw a gp who took me seriously and organised a variety of tests. It was discovered that I was suffering from a bowel and bladder prolapse. I was referred to a gynaecologist and initially had a scan that also showed a polyp and fibroid. On March 15th I had a hysteroscopy, d and c and removal of polyp and fibroid and Mirena insertion under general anaesthetic.

When I came around I was told they had no need to remove polyp and fibroid but there was a lot of tissue and it was being sent off for a histology report. I still haven’t heard anything and am worrying myself sick. I have also been bleeding very heavily since then. Does anyone have any idea why they didn’t remove polyp/ fibroid? Do you think that wasn’t what they found when they looked? So worried... Do you think the bleeding is because of Mirena coil?

Thanks in advance xxxx

  • Hi Smudge,

    Come along and join us in the Womb group, you will find a lot of supportive women there who know exactly what you are going through and can wait with you for your results.

    The bleeding is probably due to the samples that they took, people do seem to bleed after the procedure (I did), if you are worried about it or it doesn't seem right get it checked out, hopefully you have an aftercare leaflet with contact details, if not your gp or NHS 111 can help you.

    I had a mirena coil fitted and they explained that they fitted it to keep my womb lining healthy, it thins it down. I had some cramping and bleeding after it was fitted but it settled down after a week or two.

    Lots of women pass through the group and get the all clear so try and take things one step at a time.

    Whilst you wait to hear back what seems to help is distraction and keeping busy with anything that you enjoy.

    Lots of love and I hope you join us in the

  • FormerMember

    Thank you arla Heart️ How do I join the womb group?

  • FormerMember

    I have found the group arla and posted my questions xx