The journey from Ankylosing Spondylitis to MGUS and now Myeloma

  • Myeloma - Post Stem Cell Transplant


    Since I last wrote my journey has been considerable. Starting with VCD chemotherapy in January through to June, which brought my paraproteins down from 26 to 8. Then came the big decision, do I go for a autologous stem cell transplant (SCT), that being described to me, by my consultant, as the gold standard.

    So off to Addenbrookes, (60 miles from home) I spent a long time with another consultant as she went through…

  • Is there a link between AS, MGUS and Myeloma


    Welcome to my first attempt at blogging I hope that readers find it useful.

    My journey started when I was 24 and newly married, I developed excruciating hip pain which developed over the years and was routinely diagnosed as sciatica, lumbago, neck pain, whiplash etc. I had to give up many sports I enjoyed as the pain had a serious impact on my working and family life. Being a police officer I was able to keep reasonably…