
1 minute read time.


My husband was diagnosed on Christmas Day, 2022 with a Stage 4 Glioblstoma. HIs tumor was in his Left frontal lobe. He had his craintomy that day. He has undergone standard treatment of radiation and oral chemo for 6 weeks. He recently had to stop the chemo due to renal issues. His last MRI showed advancement of the cancer into his pons and advancement in both frontal lobes. He started on Avastin, but he was not able to continue with this due to his dehydration and lack of appetite. He has lost 14 pounds in 2 weeks. He is receiving hydration to just keeping him going for our granddaughers wedding in 2 weeks. We will probably sign up for hospice after July 1. I am having real difficulty seeing the personality changes in this man I have loved for 53 years. He has become very angry, but only with me. He has great difficulty talking  ( except curse words towards me), he is now wheelchair bound. He refuses to do anything I ask him to do. He is now incontinent of bowel and bladder. Can anyone tell me how they cope with the personality changes. It is very sad. I try not to take it personally, but damn it is hard. 

He has always been a very loving man. Have others experienced this personality changes?

Thank you!
