12 - 15th April updates

2 minute read time.

12th April

I think I am probably going to be on the regular paracetamol again as this morning’s new symptom (!) is a niggling ache in my back. Not too bad though, bearable at least.

My temperature is up a bit as well and I’m having hot flushes (I wonder if this is the menopause coming on, something I was warned could happen). Sweating like a nun in a brothel is not an attractive look though ….

I spent most of the evening looking on the internet for a dog DNA test. We have a Cavapoo (King Charles Cavalier Spaniel crossed with a poodle), and I thought it would be fun to get him tested. He is by far the biggest Cavapoo we have seen (with very long legs), and we suspect that somewhere in his lineage a standard poodle was used instead of the traditional miniature/toy. Can’t wait to find out the results!

All in all though today was a reasonable day, fingers crossed it carries on this way!

13th April

Had some strange dreams overnight which meant I didn’t get the best quality of sleep. Once again woke up with a temperature (37.9). Anything consecutively over 37.5 should be reported to the chemo team so I was thankful that it came down to 37.4 an hour later.

Today is day 7 after chemo and I feel completely drained of all energy. Didn’t manage to get myself up, washed and dressed until 12:30.

14th April

I got up late again today to find a message from my sister to say that she was going to visit my dad with her two daughters. I had to get my act together quickly so that we could go down and visit them all. The weather was lovely today so the walk to my dad’s was rather charming. We arrived just in time as they were having lunch (which I nibbled on too).

I am still feeling sick most of the time so I am constantly nibbling on things to keep it at bay. When I mentioned this at the Hospice on Wednesday they called up Macmillan and said that they would call me to arrange a visit, especially as I was feeling low as well.

My temperature today has been constantly over 37.5 and topped off at 38.2 late evening. Although I should have contacted the chemo nurse by this point I just couldn’t face another hospital trip so had some ice cream and paracetamol and went to bed!

15th April

Woke up with a temperature of 37.4 (phew!) ….

My visits to the loo in the night have now settled down to just the once so I am getting a better night’s sleep which is good, although I did manage to tread on the dog when I got up and nearly fell on the floor!

If I could just get on top of this constant nausea I am sure I would feel a lot better in myself but it’s difficult at times. All of my eyelashes have fallen out now too.

On the plus side it’s bath day today and I do sooooo miss my baths. Although the pay off on this means its nephrostomy bag change day too …..

Both my hubby and myself have suffered today with a bad stomach – I think we must have eaten something slightly off. I was in that much pain I had to take some Oramorph.

My temperature was also up again most of the day but hopefully that is down to the dodgy belly!
