Everyone's different

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone, I recall reading some time ago that if someone found the treatment process for breast cancer fairly easy that they wouldn't be using this site to say so. Well I am one of those people who had an easy process during treatment. I put this down to early diagnosis and excellent care by the medical team that looked after me. I hope this doesn't sound smug because I don't mean to, but everyone's experience is different.

My breast cancer was found by a routine mammogram (thank god they have these schemes in place), I had no pain, illness or obvious lumps and following a DCIS diagnosis had a mastectomy last November. Since then, following a few minor complications in January my recovery has been unexceptional and I'm back at work and normal life has resumed. 

In some ways I feel a bit of a fraud and almost as if all this happened to someone else. (I didn't need any radio or chemo therapy) I do however count myself immensely lucky and thank the support from others on this site when I was confused and uncertain in the early stages of my treatment.

All I can say is live each day and try not to worry about the future, i was lucky I hope you will be too.

Miss Wizy
