Struggling now given the all clear

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I'm new to this post as I suppose never really thought I needed it. I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in Jul 2014 and had full hysterectomy in Sep 14 age 36. It all happened so fast that I didn't really think about it. I had a 10yr daughter to consider and just "soldiered on" while everybody else fell apart. Everything went smoothly and every 6mths I had a check up which was always clear and I took in my stride. Yesterday , I had my final check up and was told they were discharging me and no longer needed to see me. My family were jumping for joy. I feel completely terrified and emotional. My fear is now nobody is checking me every 6mths, how am I meant to know if it's back? By the time I display any symptoms it will already be quite advanced. I honestly could just cry today and nobody seems to understand. Am I being stupid? I know I'm incredibly lucky and probably sound very selfish, apologies. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Holly,

    Warm welcome to the club no one wants to join...

    Far from being stupid the way you are feeling is totally normal even this far down the road. The biggest fear anyone has post treatment is the fear of recurrence - Especially after they sign you off and take away your safety blanket.

    You will be hyper aware of any twinges, aches or anything that feels different as it brings back all those worries you faced when first had symptoms - so hard to put all all you have been through in a box and forget about what has happened.

    There is a group here you could join if you feel it would help Life After Cancer Group (clickable link) when the page opens you can select the discussions tab to see what topics have been covered.

    There is also a very good paper produced by Dr Peter Harvey After the Treatments Finish: Then What ? (see below) it is a bit drawn out but a very good read to help you get your head around what the heck just happened. It certainly helped us perhaps it could do the same for you ?

    Image: ~/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-components-multipleuploadfilemanager/468cfad2_2D00_2dbf_2D00_4b44_2D00_aade_2D00_d7a6a0e42ccd-95527-complete/After_2D00_the_2D00_treatment_2D00_finishes_2D00_then_2D00_what.pdf

    Hope this is of some help, take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much, I will take a look. The problem I feel for me was there were no symptoms. It was all the result of a smear test. I just never expected to feel like this as you say, so far down the line.