The Shed

1 minute read time.

I might live in Gloucestershire but I'm not referring to the rugby terrace, I mean my shed, the humble or not so humble pile of planks at the bottom of my garden. When I moved in, a little over a year ago it was spider heaven. Now it has plush carpet and better underlay than the living room. I think I rather overdid it but what the hell. When you spend as many hours in it as I do, you need a bit of comfort. 

Please don't go getting the idea that I'm any sort of mastercrafts seamstress, I'm not, but I do make a nifty shopping bag if I do say so myself.

It all started with some oddments I found when I cleaned out my garage. Without thinking, I put them in the shed to keep them dry, just in case I found a need for them. Then I was browsing eBay and saw a large collection of remnants, an unbelievable bargain. Sold! I trundled off to a very posh house to collect my bounty and couldn't quite believe what I'd had the fortune to win. Just what the hell I was going to do with it all, didn't even enter my mind. 

And then it happened. Inspiration, the penny dropped. Bags. Many years ago I made my Dad a shopping bag out of fabric samples, this was a very long time before it was green to have reusable shopping bags. He used it for donkeys years before he died and it was greatly admired. Umm I had an idea.

To the shed.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rachel,

    I can see a Potting Shed - Chemo Aid Bag window opening up for you if you have the spare material, time and inclination ?

    I'm certain quite a few ladies in the Breast Group and probably elsewhere around here would love a 'special' bag to keep all their bits n' bobs in on chemo day.

    Oh, and welcome to the Breast Group btw :-)

    Take care, George & Jackie

  • FormerMember

    Hi George & Jackie

    Thanks so much for the welcome, so glad to have found my way here!

    I'm busy making bags for the Macmillan Coffee morning at the moment, I shall be trying to encourage colleagues to dig deep in exchange for a unique mini tote ( as well as cake ). When I get a chance, I'd happily make a few for the ladies, not sure how I'd share them out though and I'd hate to promise more than I can deliver. Can you give me a pointer to Chemo Aid Bag please? I've not come across this before, sounds a wonderful idea.

    I'm still working at the moment, with surgery due in a couple of weeks, so hopefully I'll have a bit more time soon to shed it and share the colours :)


  • FormerMember


    There are loads of examples online in places like Pinterest etc named something like Chemo Care or Chemo Comfort bags. It's basically like a 'small shopper' to place your chemo essentials in.

    Anything like magazine, puzzle / crossword books, knitting, sweets, snacks, drink bottle, ipad / tablet / kindle, and all the drugs they give you to come home with :-/

    Nothing to chemo obvious as most would love to use one after treatment without it being a reminder, if you get what I mean.

    Look forward to yakking some more in the BC Group :-)

    G n' J