I sew, I grizzle. I sew, I grizzle. Repeat for four hours.

2 minute read time.

After what was probably the longest nights' sleep I've had in three months, I was feeling pretty chipper this morning. The sun was out, Basil the cat was basking on the wood chips and the birds were tweeting in the holly tree. I decided it was time to open the shed for business.

Opening the door I'd forgotten how much material was sitting there. Huge piles of it looking at me, wanting to be made into something. Last weekend, I'd hidden in the shed for a couple of hours to cut up fabric ready for this day. Now I had no excuse, I didn't know where to begin. So many colours, so much fabric, so much to do.

After fumbling around for an hour, I pulled together enough samples to make a bag from but it wasn't easy. Not like it was a couple of months ago. Nothing seemed to match, I couldn't find the colour or texture I wanted and I was getting frustrated. It took another hour and two handles to figure out why I wasn't enjoying the sewing, I was in pain. 

Rather than give up like I should have done, I pushed on. Putting my arms down by my sides was painful, lifting them was painful, sewing was painful. I did a bit more sewing then needed a break. A couple more panels then a break. For heaven's sake, how on earth can sewing be painful? It's hardly lifting weights is it? 

Bad tempered and gritting my teeth I made two bags today. I want to love them, because they are gorgeous fabric and are beautiful colours, but I hate the sight of them. Why? Because every time I look at them, I see pain. After the second was finished, I felt defeated and miserable, so I gave up. This isn't how shed time should be. 

Some good has come from today, I've added two bags to my Etsy shop, BagsFromTheForest, which has now reopened. Having just looked in my stock drawer, I know that I need to make quite a few bags after a recent selling frenzy. However, until the boobs are fully repaired, it ain't going to happen. 

The missing paragraph that you're not reading has been deleted because I sounded like a child having a temper tantrum in the summer holidays. So I slapped my own legs and got a grip. And I'm sending myself off to bed with no tea. 

The offending bags from today's session in the workhouse ;


p.s. still no idea why they don't load correctly. 

  • FormerMember

    Beautiful bags!

    Hopefully the pain has eased off a little? or perhaps some suitable painkillers may help? I hate taking the slow release morphine but it really does help.

    Please be kind to yourself, your body has been through a traumatic time and still is so you and it need time to heal.

    Let others pick up the slack, slob out in front of the telly or lose yourself in some good books? I hope you are able to take time off work too.

    Take care of yourself and ease yourself back in slowly


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Blueeric, glad you like them:)

    I'm still dosing myself up. The surgeon I saw on Friday said to call if I needed help and she'd see me. I called the nurse first thing and was told to call back at lunchtime if it hadn't got better. It hasn't so I called back and had to leave a message. No reply yet and I've just chased her. If I take a stronger painkiller then I can't drive to the hospital if I need to. What a pickle.

  • Moonbat, you gotta take it easy on yourself. You are clearly a person with huge determination, drive and energy but sometimes, well maybe give yourself permission to take it easy and take time to heal? Take it easy on yourself (but keep blogging :-))


  • FormerMember

    Cymru, I will try do as I'm told! ;)