First PET CT scan since August 2017.

1 minute read time.

Last week I had my first PET CT since the end of my chemoradiotherapy. I had previously only had one PET CT (August) 2017 before my major surgery. The surgeon felt that it was not necessary to hit me with more radiation if avoidable. My previous MRI and Ultrasound had come back clear, but as I was now 19 months on fro the first PET CT, I thought it was a good time to get some baseline of where I am at; not least because I am leaving Qatar shortly and wanted to have some certainty as to my progress etc.

Anyway, waffling over...the result. ALL CLEAR! Forgive the rather self-congratulatory upper case shouting there, but actually it is a big deal really. I had initially just thought, yep, all good. No reason to think it will come back as anything other than good. However, when you take a step back and consider the enormity of what has gone before. It is indeed a top result. 

The 'uptake' was normal physiological activity and all I need to do now is continue my rehab. Life is as back to normal as it can be. Yes, there are ongoing side-effects, such as an occasional incredibly painful muscle spasm/nerve reaction in my jaw muscles which can radiate into my eye sometimes. It often arises when cleaning my teeth or eating and is clearly a post surgical leftover. 

Looking forward to starting new Legal Director role in April where I am able to control my own time and not have to answer to any little dictators as to when I can take holiday. After 2.5 years living overseas in a blockaded country (away from my wife who is in the UAE), it's time to restart my life.

