12 months follow-up appointment...boom!

1 minute read time.

Today was the appointment with the consultant just shy of 12 months (by a week or two) since I finished my chemoradiotherapy regime. Inevitably a degree of apprehension (slight), although I would not really talk that up particularly. In many respects it was a case of just getting on with it and dealing with whatever he told me.

The ultrasound scan was 10 days ago and as I had received no call to say, "Umm, can you come in a bit earlier please?" I worked on the basis that no news was good news.

The consultant I was expecting to see was not there; one of his team saw me instead. That rather suggested that there was no crap news to impart...and indeed that was the case!

Ultrasound normal. "Unremarkable" lymph nodes (a bit offended by that description really ! Slight smile)

Yes, there is plenty of post-treatment trauma/damage...but frankly who cares!? The scope of nasopharynx and hypo-pharynx was similarly clear.

Quite a strange feeling as you leave the consultation room after this. Not so much anti-climactic as a case of, "Okay, wow...12 months clear."  It's a strange feeling; good, but strange.

So now I am due another check-up in 6 months. No indication as to this being a scan at this stage, so I will need to see if they want to do an MRI closer to the time. For now though, it's all good. 

I'll still be posting on here to update re progress and things that you may or may not experience during rehabilitation; and support others as needed.

Take care all.


"Never Yield!"

