Father on palliative care for pancreatic cancer

1 minute read time.

morning all,

i wonder if any of you can hep me?

I have mcmillan nurses and district nurses visit however sometimes you just need to talk to others for help and support so i hope you don't mind for my post?

My father has pancreatic cancer and is on palliative care, on thursday he had the syringe driver put in. he has 5ml of diamorphene and 5ml i think of halaperedol (sorry for the bad spelling). We were told he doesn't have to have set meals each day anymore, just eat for comfort, need to avoid dairy etc as the liver and pancreas cannot breakdown certain foods, which is fine, silly as it may sound i am a qualified nutritionist and personal trainer so i have some background of knowing whats in each food which may help on what he can break down and can't due to his condition, however since last night even water is making dad sick. he was first sick at 6pm, then a couple times after that, then as of 2:30 am he was sick again a couple times.

since the syringe driver as you can imagine due to the drugs he is much more sleepy, just before this was put in i managed to take him to town for an hour for a look around, to our local golf course to get out for a drink or a small meal, now he's extremely tired all the time.

if any of you have an experience with this, can you please tell me your stories? my dad is a fighter and i know he's holding on, but i don't know how long for. docs said 2-3 weeks nearly 2 weeks ago. obviously you all know a prognosis isn't always 100%. i mean in october we were told weeks to months and here he is, still fighting! 

my mum has now given up work untill she can return, i am also able to take time out due to a very good boss, i just can't work out weather to take this leave now, or in a couple days (due to go back to work wednesday for 4 days. i do four on four off)

bit of a jumbled message so i hope this makes sense? 

thank you all xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi m19nlb,

    I noticed you haven't joined any groups as yet, so may not be getting the best out of the community ?

    A lot of members don't get email notifications of blog posts, or log in and go directly to the groups they are members of so blog posts can easily be missed.

    There are some groups here you really should join and post new discussions to so you can get answers from those with direct experience that can support and advise both you as a carer and your dad.

    You can check out and join the Carers Only - Discussion Forum  for help and advice from others caring for a loved one and there is also a group for Pancreatic Cancer Group - Discussion Forum for questions relating to your dad and his treatments.

    Hope this is of some help, take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember


    Forgot to mention the 'Supporting Someone With Incurable Cancer Group' which is also very good group for support and practical advice when a loved one is struggling.

    G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your help, new to the site and I'm not sure really how to use it.

    Thank you again x

  • FormerMember

    You are having a rough time aren't you? It is so hard to work things out sometimes.Things seem to get themselves all tangled up and confused.

    Never, ever worry about posting on here. It is a great way to let off steam and ask questions. You must do what you think is best as regards the leave, what works for you? It must be very difficult for you at the moment with your Dad but your Mum also is having an awful time. Next time you go to see your Dad, take her a treat perhaps? Maybe a couple of cream cakes so you can both sit down and enjoy a "naughty but nice" moment? Don't forget, you deserve that treat too! 

    The early hours of the morning can be very lonely so, I know it sounds old fashioned, but make friends with your radio again perhaps? Just the sound of someone's voice, just to know that someone else is awake can be so comforting. 

    I can only send you virtual hugs but, make sure you and Mum have plenty for everyone. The great thing about hugs is ...... you get as many as you receive.

    Take Care and remember that you are never alone xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your reply,

    I forgot to mention I live with mum and dad, I moved home when I was 19, I'm now 23.

    Thank you for the suggestions, I'll defiantly try these ... some days seem impossible because mums always so tired too she's impossible to help/talk to etc, she thinks I'm against her when really I'm trying my best xxx