Not sure what to expect.

Less than one minute read time.

Just received  a call from the infusion center reference my scheduled chemo treatment days and the regiment (GC) program they well start me off with, this coming Wed morning. I already have a scheduled appointment to have a (PET) scan on Monday to see if its has spread anywhere else besides the inter bladder wall. Not sure what to expect and how the treatment well affect me, just what I've read online about others. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I know these next 3months well be a long and trying journey for me and my wife. So we are just trying to always think positive and blessed that within a little over a months time, I've had a cystoscopy, CT scan, nephrostomy and a TURBT operation. It's a lot to get a handle on with everything moving so fast. Just happy to have found this site and to CB and the others that have shared their experiences and knowledge. 
